If you have ever attended (or tuned into) one of Monzo many community events, you are likely familiar with the work of Simon Balmain. An early employee of the challenger bank, he has played a long term role in helping to build Monzocustomer support and community efforts and was often seen emceeing events.

Now TechCrunch has learned that Balmain is departing to join Sphere, the perpetually stealthy startup founded by Nick D&Aloisio, who previously founded news summary app Summly, which he famously sold to Yahoo aged 17for areported $30 million.

According to sources, the former &Monzonaught& will be tasked with helping bolster Spherecommunity efforts. Sphere began life as a question and answer app that let you find and instantly chat to paid experts on a range of topics but has since pivoted to a chat app built from the ground up for groups.

&Sphere is a chat app for groups to feel closer and achieve more, together,& reads the App Storedescription. Features listed for Sphere Group Chat include the ability to create multiple chats for a single group; send highlighted announcements so no one in a group misses important messages; and send notifications to individuals or everyone who hasn&t read your message &in just one tap&.

Early Monzo employee Simon Balmain is joining Sphere, the group chat app founded by ex-Yahoo Nick D&Aloisio

Meanwhile, we first reported on London-based Sphereexistence back in October 2017, after being tipped off by sources and uncovering regulatory filings revealing that D&Aloisio had raised funding from Index Ventures, and LocalGlobe (the early-stage VC firm founded by Robin and Saul Klein). And in March last year, the FT reported that Sphere had raised a total of $30 million, adding Michael Moritz as a backer, and noting that the startup had unusually remained in stealth for a whopping 2.5 years.

That was a whole year ago. With a newly recruited community specialist, a less opaque launch is unlikely to be too far away.

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Doist founder Amir Salihefendic explains why his remote team doesn&t try to do everything in real time

Does working from home have to mean sitting in a chatroom all day or always being available for a video call?

Real-time chat and video platforms are great for building camaraderie and maintaining a sense of connection with remote teams, but when you need to focus for a few hours, it can be tough to tune out the endless GIFs and notifications.

Some of the most successful fully remote companies (like GitLab, or Zapier) have promoted the benefits of asynchronous communication — a fancy way of saying that not every conversation needs to happen in real time. Your server is down? You probably need to have that conversation now. Brainstorming a new feature? That might work best when everyone has a bit more time to think between responses. The key is acknowledging the strengths of both synchronous and asynchronous communications — and finding the right mix.

Doist co-founder Amir Salihefendic has been an async advocate for years. After leading a team spread around the globe to build popular task management tool Todoist, he set out to build Twist, a tool specifically built for conversations that deserve a longer shelf life.

I chatted with Amir last week to hear his thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches, how he balances the two (and handles emergencies) and why he has focused heavily on making async a part of his companyculture. Herea transcript of our chat, lightly edited for clarity and brevity.

TechCrunch: How big is Doist now?

Amir Salihefendic: I think we are about 73 people spread around 30 different countries now. [We&re on] most of the continents around the world.

Why&d you go remote in the first place? What made you make that call?

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A few months ago, the idea of a hand-washing app would have seemed trivial, at best. We&re all adults here, right? We&ve been washing our hands our entire lives. But things change. Itmid-April and we&re afraid to go outside and engage with other humans — and thorough hand-washing is one of very few tools we have in our collective arsenal.

Life, am I right?

According to Samsung, &a small group of designers and developers from Samsung Research Institute-Bangalore, or SRI-BUX and wearable teams, worked round-the-clock over the last two weeks to come up with a solution that helps you keep healthy and safe.&

They came out the other side with Hand Wash, a Galaxy Watch app designed to remind wearers to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds. There are preset intervals for the reminders, which can be customized by the wearer. The app gives a buzz at the end of 25 seconds — the extra five seconds were tacked on for the application of soap.

The app tracks washings and shows the amount of time thatelapsed since you last washed. Itthe kind of things that would be absolutely crazy-making normally, but these days are anything but. Itavailable now for download in the Galaxy Store.

Samsungnew Galaxy Watch app reminds you to wash your damn hands, dummy

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A new flurry of tweets from President Trump is pushing the limits of social platform policies designed explicitly to keep users safe from the spread of the novel coronavirus, both online and off.

In a series of rapid-fire messages on Friday morning, Trump issued a call to &LIBERATE& Virginia, Minnesota and Michigan, all states led by Democratic governors. Trumptweets promoted protests in those states against ongoing public safety measures, many designed by his own administration, meant to keep residents safe from the virus. Trump also shared the messages on his Facebook page.

In the case of Minnesota, the tweet was not a generic message to his supporters in the state — it referenced a Friday protest event by its name, &Liberate Minnesota.&

In Minnesota, the in-person protest event gathered a group of Trump supporters outside the St. Paul home of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to protest the stateongoing lockdown. According to a reporter on the scene Friday, the protest had attracted attendees in the &low hundreds& so far and few were practicing social distancing or wearing masks. The event was organized on Facebook.

&President Trump has been very clear that we must get America back to work very quickly or the ‘cure& to this terrible disease may be the worse option!,& the eventFacebook description states. In a later disclaimer, event organizers encourage attendees to exercise &personal responsibility& at the protest, stating that they &are not responsible for your current health situation or future health.&

The presidenttweets contradict his administrationown guidance, detailed yesterday in coordination with health experts, on reopening state economies. Earlier this week, Trump claimed that a president has &total authority& to reopen the national economy, a sentiment that his tweets Friday appeared to undermine.

Trumpcalls to action in support of state-based protests would also appear to potentially contradict both Twitter and Facebooknew rules specific to the pandemic, which in both cases explicitly forbid any COVID-19 content that could result in the real-world spread of the virus.

Over the last month, Facebook and Twitter both rolled out relatively aggressive new policies designed to protect users from content contradicting the guidance of health experts, particularly anything that could result in real-world harm.

Update: According to a Twitter spokesperson, the presidenttweets do not currently violate Twitterrules. Twitter does not consider the tweets as worded a &clear call to action& that could pose a health risk. Twitter also did not determine that the tweets were shared with harmful intentions.

Facebook did not provide answers to questions about the protests organized on its platform by the time of publication.

In late March, Twitter updated its safety policy to prohibit any tweets that &could place people at a higher risk of transmitting COVID-19.& The stance banned tweets claiming social distancing doesn&t work as well as anything with a &call to action& that could promote risky behaviors, like encouraging people to go out to a local bar.

On April 1, Twitter again broadened its definition for the kind of harmful COVID-19 content it forbids, stating that it would &continue to prioritize removing content when it has a clear call to action that could directly pose a risk to peoplehealth or well-being.&

Facebook similarlyexpanded its platform rules to match the existential health threat posed by the coronavirus. In guidance on its policies for the pandemic, Facebook says that it &remove[s] COVID-19 related misinformation that could contribute to imminent physical harm.& As an example, the company noted that in March it began removing &claims that physical distancing doesn&t help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.&

Social media companies signaled early in the U.S. spread of the coronavirus that they would take health misinformation — and the safety of their users — more seriously than ever. In some instances, this tough talk appears to have manifested in improvements: Facebook, which has generally been more proactive about health misinformation compared to other topics, moved to promote health expertise and limit the spread of misleading coronavirus content on the platform, even announcing that it would notify anyone who had interacted with COVID-19 misinformation with a special message in their news feed.

Trumphype for state lockdown protests puts Twitter and Facebooknew COVID-19 policies to the test

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Bradley Tusk on starting a company and seed investing in the coronavirus era

Bradley Tusk has carved a unique path in the VC investment landscape: A longtime political and communications operative, he has built a track record for Tusk Ventures by going after highly regulated industries, rather than shying away from them.

Whether it is ride-hailing, sports betting, cannabis or myriad other regulated sectors, Tusk takes the approach that laws are ultimately malleable, and if a service is popular, its users can mobilize to effect change.

Given his unique perspective, it was great to have him join us this week in an Extra Crunch Live call — our new initiative here at TechCrunch to bring tech-world thought leaders right to your screens.

In our conversation, Tusk talked about edtech, telemedicine, cannabis, mobile voting, biotech, pandemics and the future of regulated industries in this dastardly economic environment. We&ve transcribed a handful of his answers to our and our readers& questions and have embedded the entire video below the fold.

We&ve edited his written answers for clarity and brevity.

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A coalition of EU scientists and technologists thatdeveloping whatbilled as a &privacy-preserving& standard for Bluetooth-based proximity tracking, as a proxy for COVID-19 infection risk, wants Apple and Google to make changes to an API they&re developing for the same overarching purpose.

The Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (PEPP-PT) uncloaked on April 1, calling for developers of contact tracing apps to get behind a standardized approach to processing smartphone users& data to coordinate digital interventions across borders and shrink the risk of overly intrusive location-tracking tools gaining momentum as a result of the pandemic.

PEPP-PT said today it has seven governments signed up to apply its approach to national apps, with a claimed pipeline of a further 40 in discussions about joining.

&We now have a lot of governments interacting,& said PEPP-PTHans-Christian Boos, speaking during a webinar for journalists. &Some governments are publicly declaring that their local applications will be built on top of the principles of PEPP-PT and also the various protocols supplied inside this initiative.

&We know of seven countries that have already committed to do this — and we&re currently in conversation with 40 countries that are in various states of onboarding.&

Boos said a list of the governments would be shared with journalists, though at the time of writing we haven&t seen it. But we&ve asked PEPP-PTPR firm for the info and will update this report when we get it.

&The pan-European approach has worked,& he added. &Governments have decided at a speed previously unknown. But with 40 more countries in the queue of onboarding we definitely have outgrown just the European focus — and to us this shows that privacy as a model and as a discussion point… is a statement and it is something that we can export because we&re credible on it.&

Paolo de Rosa, the CTO at the Ministry of Innovation Technology and Digital Transformation for the Italian government, was also on the webinar — and confirmed its national app will be built on top of PEPP-PT.

&We will have an app soon and obviously it will be based on this model,& he said, offering no further details.

PEPP-PTcore &privacy-preserving& claim rests on the use of system architectures that do not require location data to be collected. Rather devices that come near each other would share pseudonymized IDs — which could later be used to send notifications to an individual if the system calculates an infection risk has occurred. An infected individualcontacts would be uploaded at the point of diagnosis — allowing notifications to be sent to other devices with which had come into contact.

Boos, a spokesman for and coordinator of PEPP-PT, told TechCrunch earlier this monththe project will support both centralized and decentralized approaches. The former meaning IDs are uploaded to a trusted server, such as one controlled by a health authority; the latter meaning IDs are held locally on devices, where the infection risk is also calculated — a backend server is only in the loop to relay info to devices.

Itjust such a decentralized contacts tracing system that Apple and Google are collaborating on supporting — fast-following PEPP-PT last week by announcing a plan for cross-platform COVID-19 contacts tracing via a forthcoming API and then a system-wide (opt-in) for Bluetooth-based proximity tracking.

That intervention, by the only two smartphone platforms that matter when the ambition is mainstream adoption, is a major development — putting momentum behind decentralized contacts tracing for responding digitally to the coronavirus crisis in the Western world, certainly at the platform level.

In a resolution passed today the European parliament also called for a decentralized approach to COVID-19 proximity tracking.

MEPs are pushing for the Commission and Member States to be &fully transparent on the functioning of contact tracing apps, so that people can verify both the underlying protocol for security and privacy and check the code itself to see whether the application functions as the authorities are claiming.& (The Commission has previously signaled a preference for decentralization too.)

However, backers of PEPP-PT, which include at least seven governments (and the claim of many more), aren&t giving up on the option of a &privacy-preserving& centralized option — which some in their camp are dubbing &pseudo-decentralized& — with Boos claiming today that discussions are ongoing with Apple and Google about making changes to their approach.

As it stands, contacts tracing apps that don&t use a decentralized infrastructure won&t be able to carry out Bluetooth tracking in the background on Android or iOS — as the platforms limit how general apps can access Bluetooth. This means users of such apps would have to have the app open and active all the time for proximity tracking to function, with associated (negative) impacts on battery life and device usability.

There are also (intentional) restrictions on how contacts tracing data could be centralized, as a result of the relay server model being deployed in the joint Apple-Google model.

&We very much appreciate that Google and Apple are stepping up to making the operating system layer available — or putting what should be the OS actually there, which is the Bluetooth measurement and the handling of crypto and the background running of such tasks which have to keep running resiliently all the time — if you look at their protocols and if you look at whom they are provided by, the two dominant players in the mobile ecosystem, then I think that from a government perspective especially, or from lots of government perspectives, there are many open points to discuss,& said Boos today.

&From a PEPP-PT perspective there are a few points to discuss because we want choice and implementing choice in terms of model — decentralized or centralized on top of their protocol creates actually the worst of both worlds — so there are many points to discuss. But contrary to the behavior that many of us who work with tech companies are used to Google and Apple are very open in these discussions and thereno point in getting up in arms yet because these discussions are ongoing and it looks like agreement can be reached with them.&

It wasn&t clear what specific changes PEPP-PT wants from Apple and Google — we asked for more detail during the webinar but didn&t get a response. But the group and its government backers may be hoping to dilute the tech giants& stance to make it easier to create centralized graphs of Bluetooth contacts to feed national coronavirus responses.

As it stands, Apple and GoogleAPI is designed to block contact matching on a server — though there might still be ways for governments (and others) to partially work around the restrictions and centralize some data.

We reached out to Apple and Google with questions about the claimed discussions with PEPP-PT. At the time of writing, neither had responded.

As well as Italy, the German and French governments are among those that have indicated they&re backing PEPP-PT for national apps — which suggests powerful EU Member States could be squaring up for a fight with the tech giants, along the lines of Apple versus the FBI, if pressure to tweak the API fails.

Another key strand to this story is that PEPP-PT continues to face strident criticism from privacy and security experts in its own backyard — including after it removed a reference to a decentralized protocol for COVID-19 contacts tracing thatbeing developed by another European coalition, comprised of privacy and security experts, called DP-3T.

Coindesk reported on the silent edit to PEPP-PTwebsite yesterday.

Backers of DP-3T have also repeatedly queried why PEPP-PT hasn&t published code or protocols for review to-date — and even gone so far as to dub the effort a &trojan horse.&

ETH ZürichDr. Kenneth Paterson, who is both a part of the PEPP-PT effort and a designer of DP-3T, couldn&t shed any light on the exact changes the coalition is hoping to extract from &Gapple& when we asked.

&They&ve still not said exactly how their system would work, so I can&t say what they would need [in terms of changes to Apple and Googlesystem],& he told us in an email exchange.

Today Boos couched the removal of the reference to DP-3T on PEPP-PTwebsite as a mistake — which he blamed on &bad communication.& He also claimed the coalition is still interested in including the formerdecentralized protocol within its bundle of standardized technologies. So the already sometimes fuzzy lines between the camps continue to be redrawn. (Italso interesting to note that press emails to Boos are now being triaged by Hering Schuppener, a communications firm that sells publicity services, including crisis PR.)

&We&re really sorry for that,& Boos said of the DP-3T excision. &Actually we just wanted to put the various options on the same level that are out there. There are still all these options and we very much appreciate the work that colleagues and others are doing.

&You know there is a hot discussion in the crypto community about this and we actually encourage this discussion because italways good to improve on protocols. What we must not lose sight of is… that we&re not talking about crypto here, we&re talking about pandemic management and as long as an underlying transport layer can ensure privacy thatgood enough because governments can choose whatever they want.&

Boos also said PEPP-PT would finally be publishing some technical documents this afternoon — opting to release information some three weeks after its public unveiling and on a Friday evening (a seven-page ‘high level overview& has since been put on their GitHub here [this link has since been deleted & Ed.] — but still a far cry from code for review) — while making a simultaneous plea for journalists to focus on the &bigger picture& of fighting the coronavirus rather than keep obsessing over technical details.

During todaywebinar some of the scientists backing PEPP-PT talked about how they&re testing the efficacy of Bluetooth as a proxy for tracking infection risk.

&The algorithm that we&ve been working on looks at the cumulative amount of time that individuals spend in proximity with each other,& said Christophe Fraser, professor at the Nuffield Department of Medicine and Senior Group Leader in Pathogen Dynamics at the Big Data Institute, University of Oxford, offering a general primer on using Bluetooth proximity data for tracking viral transmission.

&The aim is to predict the probability of transmission from the phone proximity data. So the ideal system reduces the requested quarantine to those who are the most at risk of being infected and doesn&t give the notification — even though some proximity event was recorded — to those people who&re not at risk of being infected.&

&Obviously thatgoing to be an imperfect process,& he went on. &But the key point is that in this innovative approach that we should be able to audit the extent to which that information and those notifications are correct — so we need to actually be seeing, of the people who have been sent the notification how many of them actually were infected. And of those people who were identified as contacts, how many weren&t.

&Auditing can be done in many different ways for each system but that step is crucial.&

Evaluating the effectiveness of the digital interventions will be vital, per Fraser — whose presentation could have been interpreted as making a case for public health authorities to have fuller access to contacts graphs. But itimportant to note that DP-3Tdecentralized protocol makes clear provision for app users to opt-in to voluntarily share data with epidemiologists and research groups to enable them to reconstruct the interaction graph among infected and at risk users (aka to get access to a proximity graph).

&Itreally important that if you&re going to do an intervention that is going to affect millions of people — in terms of these requests to [quarantine] — that that information be the best possible science or the best possible representation of the evidence at the point at which you give the notification,& added Fraser. &And therefore as we progress forwards that evidence — our understanding of the transmission of the virus — is going to improve. And in fact auditing of the app can allow that to improve, and therefore it seems essential that that information be fed back.&

None of the PEPP-PT-aligned apps that are currently being used for testing or reference are interfacing with national health authority systems, per Boos — though he cited a test in Italy thatbeen plugged into a companyhealth system to run tests.

&We have supplied the application builders with the backend, we have supplied them with sample code, we have supplied them with protocols, we have supplied them with the science of measurement, and so on and so forth. We have a working application that simply has no integration into a countryhealth system — on Android and on iOS,& he noted.

On its website PEPP-PT lists a number of corporate &members& as backing the effort — including the likes of Vodafone — alongside several research institutions including GermanyFraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute for telecoms (HHI) which has been reported as leading the effort.

The HHIexecutive director, Thomas Wiegand, was also on todaycall. Notably, his name initially appeared on the authorship list for the DP-3Twhite paper. However, on April 10 he was removed from the README and authorship list, per its GitHub document history. No explanation for the change was given.

During todaypress conference Wiegand made an intervention that seems unlikely to endear him to the wider crypto and digital rights community — describing the debate around which cryptography system to use for COVID-19 contacts tracing as a ‘side show& and expressing concern that what he called Europe&open public discussion& might &destroy our ability to get ourselves as Europeans out of this.&

&I just wanted to make everyone aware of the difficulty of this problem,& he also said. &Cryptography is only one of 12 building blocks in the system. So I really would like to have everybody go back and reconsider what problem we are in here. We have to win against this virus… or we have another lockdown or we have a lot of big problems. I would like to have everybody to consider that and to think about it because we have a chance if we get our act together and really win against the virus.&

The press conference had an even more inauspicious start after the Zoom call was disrupted by racist spam in the chat field. Right before that Boos had kicked off the call saying he had heard from &some more technically savvy people that we should not be using Zoom because itinsecure — and for an initiative that wants security and privacy itthe wrong tool.&

&Unfortunately we found out that many of our international colleagues only had this on their corporate PCs so over time either Zoom has to improve — or we need to get better installations out there. Itcertainly not our intention to leak the data on this Zoom,& he added.

EuropePEPP-PT COVID-19 contacts tracing standard push could be squaring up for a fight with Apple and Google

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